I’m going to try out this blogging thing but don’t expect a lot of updates! Like I said in my first post, I’ll primarily use this blog to update on my surgery situation.
I must first say that I have not been discussing this surgery with a lot of people and most don’t know what kind I am pursuing. If you are aware of this information, please do not discuss it with anyone. I have not even told most people at work and some family that I am even considering gastric-bypass surgery. I will tell people details as I am ready. PLEASE respect this.
That said, this is what’s going on now. As most know, I started with a new surgeon in Tulsa, Okla. and I think he’s great. I am in the middle of insurance approval and my company’s insurance requires that I have an upper endoscopy (EGD) test and the MMPI (pscyh test) done before they will consider approving the surgery. I had both tests last week and the EGD came back good. I will hear about the psychology test this week sometime. After I get all those results, it should only take 2-3 weeks to hear back from the insurance. Once the insurance approves (pray they do), my surgery will be scheduled for approximately six weeks later. In that time, I will have to visit the surgeon’s cardiologist and pulmonologist. I will also have to make several visits to the surgeon’s office and the hospital in Tulsa.
Once I have the surgery, I will be out of work for at least two weeks and will go back for half days for at least another week. This concerns me to ask co-workers to cover for me that much during the school year but I have to remember that my health comes first. I also am trying to remember that if I, as one person, can cover my job then surely seven other people can manage to share covering my responsibilities!
If you have questions, you can email me but please remember that mum’s the word!
the mmpi is a major psych test and I wanted you to know that it tends to “overpathologize” people a little bit. it is considered very accurate, it just makes some tendencies appear a little worse. For example, if your results come back saying you have schizophrenia or tendencies, it may be because you are a Christian and you believe God talks to you etc… So, if the results seem harsh, don’t freak out. Hopefully you’ll have a specialist who will be an exccellent interpreter of the results and will really understand all of that. Love you!
Lorissa, thanks for telling me that about the MMPI. Some of it, I wasn’t sure how to answer. Fortunately, I am almost positive that my therapist is a Christian. She works for a Christian psychiatrist so I’m guessing she is. What really threw me was there were so many double negatives on the test. It seems almost like they were trying to trip me up (oops, is that paranoia? LOL)
Love ya Jamie
lol. paranoia for sure. 🙂