Monday June 4, 2007

What a weekend!
Current mood: happy
Category: Life

I don’t have time to write any blog, let alone the two that this involves. So instead of writing two blogs, I’ll just combine both into one! See, I’m being economical with your time. You should feel blessed.

Flushing meds
I did something this weekend that gave me a sense of triumph. A long time ago I mentioned that I had never flushed the medicines I no longer needed after gastric bypass surgery. This includes a blood pressure medication and two diabetes medicines. I kept the left over medicines because I just wasn’t ready to let go. It’s like I didn’t fully believe that this would “work” somehow. Ludicrous, I know. I can’t really describe or explain why I needed to hold onto these meds.

Well this weekend, my parents were here and we did a major major clean out of my apartment. I decided it was time to get rid of these meds. I also had a bunch of regular over-the-counter meds that I still take sometimes but that had expired. For example, I still had some chewable Flinstone vitamins from right after my surgery. I also had regular OTC iron that I don’t take anymore because I have to be on specialty iron supplements.

I gathered all these pills into one, ziploc bag. I wanted to see how much I had accumulated and how much I was throwing away. I had a one-quart size ziploc bag that ended up being nearly 3/4 the way full. It all went down my toilet. It took four flushes to get it all (did anyone know that chewable Flinstone vitamins float and are impossible to kill?)

It feels great to finally have let go.

Meeting the parents
As I mentioned above, my parents came to visit this weekend. They often help me do a real good cleaning job on my place because it’s hard for me to do it except the basics. We hadn’t done a major overhaul on my place in more than a year so it was long overdue. We took more than six, 30-gallon bags to the trash and the same amount of equal size bags filled with stuff to Helping Hands (the local Salvation Army store-type place). Oh, and my dad cleaned out my storage shed that I’ve never used because it was filled with crap from the previous tenant. The previous tenants’ crap included candy racks, tools and a dead dog. Yes, a dead dog. Well the skeleton anyways.

I think the best thing about this weekend was being able to introduce my boyfriend to my parents. Unlike the movie, there were no lie-detector tests or weird happenings with a cat. Everyone seemed at ease and got along well. It’s so nice to know that the man I love and the parents I love can interact so well. Not that I was all that worried, but still, ya know…

Anyways, we went to church then to lunch then hung out for a bit at my place before my parents had to head back to Wichita. Here’s a pic of some of my favorite people together:
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1 comment / Add your comment below

  1. a dead dog?  OMG!!  I would freak!  I wonder why it was in there and how it died?  I mean did he leave and plan to come back for his stuff and his dog?  Or what?  That is creepy!  Poor pooch!

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