I have a weird, unintentional habit that when my wheelchair tires need air, I keep thinking “my tires need air, I should get around to taking care of that.” The problem becomes, I don’t take care of it until someone finally says something like “stop, your tires are so low I don’t see how you stand it. Let me help you.” This used to be my dad, now it’s my husband who steps in and airs up my tires for me.
I’m not attempting laziness or just waiting for help, it just always seems like such a nuisance to stop and put air in my tires, especially considering my lack of talent in this area. I always seem to let out more air than I put in! It’s always a case of “I don’t have time to stop and make my life easier.”
Once that air is in there, I move so much better I’m always amazed that I waited so long. It no longer makes my arms cramp to propel my wheelchair. I can stop so much easier. Life is so much better with air in my wheelchair tires.
This blog is another example where it was easier to stick with what I knew rather than take the extra time to do something better. In case you haven’t noticed, this blog has a new address. I’ve wanted to move it from blog.jamiesnotebook.com to jamiesthots.com for more than a year. I even got advice on how to do it and bought the URL. But I always felt so overwhelmed, so frustrated with it that it never got done. Until recently. I asked for step-by-step help and that person fixed my problems, plus a few other issues I was having with one of my websites, in a couple of hours. Voila–my blog has a new home.
It makes me wonder how easy it is for us as people to do this. It’s easier to stay with the “evil that we know” rather than to step out, take a potential risk, and make our lives better. It’s easier to stay in our comfort zone than to do something that ultimately, could make us more comfortable. Or just better.
The examples I shared are fairly “first world problem” in nature but don’t we do this to some degree with the bigger things in life? Is it a job that you’re staying in? A dating relationship or even a friendship that is draining you more than sustaining you? What about a marriage that is just blah, but could be great if both parties just took the time and the effort to work on it?
I don’t know about you, but I’m going to try to step out of my comfort zone a little more often. I just might like what I find on the other side.