I don’t remember the first time I got a flu shot but I bet it was in college, maybe high school. At the time, I just thought “it’s a good idea” but later I learned that certain people who are more at risk should definitely make sure to get a seasonal flu shot. Because of various health issues, I now know it’s vital for me to get my annual seasonal flu shot. That’s why I jumped at the chance when #CollectiveBias offered me the opportunity to talk about immunizations and how, through the Walgreens Get a Shot. Give a Shot program, I could help children in underdeveloped countries get the vaccinations they need. (Follow the hashtag #GetAShot to see other blogger’s stories about this program).
I created the above graphic to make it easier to share. Please, share it. Pin it. Share this message. And you know what else? Consider getting your seasonal flu shot and other immunizations (if you’re diabetic you need to remember to get a pneumonia vaccine every few years) at a Walgreens pharmacy (Duane Reade in New York) so that your single act of healthy living will make a difference in a child’s life.

I have memories of getting the required immunizations as a kid because you know, they are required for school. But really? They are required for health, for safety, for life. A child in an underdeveloped country just doesn’t have the ready access to that same quality of life that we do.The United Nations Foundation is trying to change that. I would share a stereotypical child that this could affect, but the truth is, there is no stereotype except that the child is in need. This isn’t asking you to donate money, it’s asking you to take care of your own health and help Walgreens help take care of a child. They hope to provide 6 million vaccines this year through the program.
How do I Get a Shot. Give a Shot at Walgreens?
It’s pretty darn easy. Easier, in my opinion, than trying to get a flu shot at your primary care doctor because Walgreens does not require an appointment. 1. First find your local Walgreens and make sure you know their pharmacy hours.

2. Pay for your immunization and fill out a very short form that makes sure you’re healthy enough to receive the vaccine. The flu shot will not give you the flu, contrary to what you might hear on Facebook. But note that it only protects against certain strains of the flu and not against everything that “feels like the flu.”

3. Follow the pharmacist into the privacy booth.

4. Get a Shot. Give a Shot.

So where will you be getting your flu shot and other immunizations this year? Won’t you take the Get a Shot. Give a Shot pledge with me?
My kids have had their vaccinations schedules fouled up so many times, I lost track of them and just got it all caught up right before college. You know, you are not supposed to vaccinate one child if all the children are not vaccinated, and we had immunity compromises going at our house, not to mention pregnancies and Guillain-Barre. We survived, though! 🙂 Only have the GB issues on one side of the family, now, since my fil died of it and no longer has to worry! But we live 500 miles from the other one, on my side, so we don’t really think about it much, anymore.
Glad you were so brave for the photo! 🙂
Wow that’s a complicated history! I’m glad I was brave for the photo too LOL.
This is a great program offered by Walgreens! Fantastic informative post
Thanks, Laura!
We will be heading to Walgreen’s soon to get our shots!!
Great! They really do make it pretty easy.
I wasn’t aware of this program. Thanks for doing such a thorough and informative post! We’ve got to get flu shots in the next couple of weeks. Getting them at Walgreens is definitely something to think about!
I hope you do consider Walgreens! Glad you enjoyed the post.
Getting our flu shots at Walgreens will be a no-brainer this year! I’ll gladly skip the hassle at the doctor’s office and love that getting it at Walgreens will also benefit a child elsewhere! #client
Kelly-it’s definitely a win all around. I’ve gotten my flu shot at a variety of places over the years and enjoy the Walgreens experience the most.