There’s all kinds of joy in this life. Weddings, births, new jobs, etc. All events that we know and recognize as happy times. Something I learned last year is to find joy in the simple things. Choosing to be joyful about the little things in life that happen throughout the day is important. It’s important … Read More
Showing all posts in Reflections
Painful past can still mean a healing future
Ever have one of those times when there’s a message you’re receiving that you just can’t escape even if you wanted? On New Year’s Eve, I had one of those moments. I had been missing my Celebrate Recovery meetings of late but I was determined to make it to the New Year’s Eve event. There … Read More
What Black Friday has in common with green eggs and ham
I didn’t really come to a true appreciation for Dr. Suess until I reached adulthood, when I realized that the silly words actually had a moral or encouragement point. Take for example, Green Eggs and Ham. It has nothing to do with making children like green eggs and ham, it’s about trying something new because … Read More
Music and Xmas: the debates that drive me crazy
It seems like certain events mark the beginning of any given season. The end of school marks the beginning of summer, even though technically that doesn’t happen until nearly a month later. It seems like certain debates spark or at least indicate the approaching Christmas season–namely, what I call the Christmas music debate and the … Read More