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Anyone who has read my blog in the last year knows I’m a big advocate for local charities that work with women and children, and one of those is Champions for Kids. I also live in an area where some of the world’s most prominent companies call home so I get to see first hand how these corporations are companies that give back. For example, Tyson is active in the efforts to end hunger through its KNOW Hunger program. I was thrilled to be selected by #CollectiveBias for the #SummerofGiving Campaign, which teams up Walmart, Tyson and Champions for Kids. Walmart has pledged to feed 5 million meals to kids just this summer! Keep reading to find out how you can make a difference through community involvement.
Why do we need this? Can we really end hunger?
Here’s some data from Tyson that gives a glimpse into the problem of hunger:
- One in four Americans worries about not having enough money to put food on the table at some point next year.
- Americans across the country do indeed see hunger as a significant national problem; one that deserves our support.
- Despite perceiving hunger as a serious national problem, most see hunger as less of a problem in their own communities.
I’ll admit that until a few years ago, I didn’t think America had a hunger problem. We’re one of the richest countries in the world, right? Truth be told, what we have is a distribution problem. No, I’m not going all socialist on you. I don’t believe in robbing Peter to pay Paul. What I’m talking about is neighbors helping neighbors and not in a “I’m reaching down to help those poor people” sort of way. It’s about sharing resources, it’s about caring for our fellow man. It’s about making sure each man, woman and child has enough healthy food to eat so they can function in daily life.
I know for me, I need protein to stay alert and healthy. If I don’t get enough protein, I get brain fuzzy and I swear it is when I get sick the most because of a weakened immune system. Can you imagine what that’s like for a kid? How can they do well in school and make a difference in our world if they don’t have enough healthy food to eat?

How does the Summer of Giving program work?
With the items I recently purchased through the Summer of Giving program, I’m able to have healthy protein sources to eat for all three meals and a few snacks. How does that happen?
If you go to your local Walmart during the Summer of Giving campaign, look for specially marked Tyson items (Grilled N Ready, chicken chunks, Day Starts and Any’tizers) through July 9. You can take them home and eat them yourselves or you can donate them to a local food pantry in your area (make sure you call and find out if they have a freezer). ‘
We donated some of the items we purchased to a local help organization in Elkins. I wanted to donate there because it impacts families where I live and the organization is better equipped to assess the need than I am.
The ways you could use these items are endless. You’ll see that we went very, very simple but I want to make an Asian slaw sandwich with the Asian chicken thighs and probably a salad with some of the chicken chunks.
So how does that help end hunger? Here’s where companies giving back comes in. For every designated item you purchase, Tyson will donate a meal to a child in need. It’s not just some child somewhere. The campaign goes back directly to a child in the local school district where the items were purchased. For example, I bought my items at a store in Rogers so that will help children in the Rogers School District. (Check out the Free and Reduced Lunch stats from the Arkansas Department of Ed…you should be able to find this in your own state to learn more). This program is especially vital in the summer because kids are not in school, where they have access to Snack Pak programs and well-balanced meals.

What do I look for to participate in Summer of Giving to help end hunger in my community?
I’ve already explained how the program works: for every marked item you buy, Tyson donates a meal. Go to your frozen produce section and look for signs like these:

But there’s more. Remember, the packages have to be specially marked. You should know you’re in the right place because there are Summer of Giving displays. Look for the Champions for Kids logo.

So what are you going to do to help end hunger? Please join me in this campaign and make a difference in the lives of kids. Leave your thots in the comments. Thank you!
What a great cause that you donated to. The options for using Tyson’s tasty products are endless.
I shared a Southwestern Chicken Salad recipe using Tyson Grilled ‘n Ready strips on my site.
Thanks for sharing your recipe and story of involvement! I really think this kind of thing can be solved or at least made better through grass roots movements helped with food providers like Tyson.
Such a privilege to be able to share this with as many as possible. The Tyson ANy’tizers are our new fave snack and main dish. Here’s my post showing how easy it is to share the giving spirit: http://www.mamanibbles.com/2014/06/ad-help-tyson-end-hunger-summerofgiving.html
Thank you for sharing your link and story with us Heidi!
I absolutely LOVE this campaign! I think so many need to be reminded that we have children and families going hungry right her in our own towns. It could even be your friend or neighbor! Especially in the summer when they don’t have access to school lunch programs! Thank you for sharing all of this info! I hope other head to Walmart for their Tyson product and help a child in need! #client
Yes, I hope others join in as well! That’s why I asked the other bloggers in the campaign to share their links. Hoped it would help “beef up” the message!