Guest Post: Heather Davis ‘Enough IS Enough’

Welcome Heather Davis to Jamie’s Thots! Heather is sharing today her take on the idea of being enough.

Heather Davis is a momma, a writer and happily enough. She’s the author of the award-winning TMI Mom series and is a syndicated humorist. Her next book, Life With Extra Cheese: Being the Ham in the Sandwich Generation is due to be released in May 2015. She blogs at

Enough is Enough by Heather Davis

All I ever have to be is what You’ve made me.

Any more or less would be a step out of Your plan.

As You daily recreate me, help me always keep in mind:
I only have to do what I can find.

All I ever have to be is what You’ve made me.

All I Ever Have To Be by Amy Grant


I’m not a runner, but I wish I could be one. I am not a race car driver, but I do like to drive fast. I am not a politician, but I do have distinct ideas on how to make the world a better place.

I am, however, constantly in a race.

I race in the morning after hitting snooze one too many times to get me, my daughters, my husband and the dogs all out of the door. I race with the cats to keep them in.  I race through the day to get everything accomplished that my job requires of me. I race home to meet my daughters. I race them through homework. I race to fix dinner. I race through the meal to get the girls to whatever practices, activities or assignments they have that evening. I race to get my writing done. Before I fall into bed, I set my alarm as I check Facebook one last time so I can do it all again the next day.

My daughters are smart and active and making their marks in the world. My husband and I are both dedicated educators and regardless of what many believe, our “jobs” extend way beyond the time frame of 8 to 3. I am an award-winning humorist and always have a deadline looming. My mom, a stroke survivor, lives with us. We have two dogs, two cats and, sometimes it seems, very little of our sanity left.

I struggle daily to not be overwhelmed by, well, my life.

I struggle with the desire to do more and more and more.

I struggle with being … enough. But, that struggle is ending.

I am forty-three years old. It’s taken me about forty-two-and-a-half years to figure this out: I AM ENOUGH. I don’t have to be super woman. I don’t have to keep up with the writer next door. I don’t have to volunteer for every PTA committee. I don’t have to do anything other than what’s placed in front of me. Life is crazy—let’s be clear about that point, but it’s *my* crazy life.

I am enough. I am made for this life. I am created for this life. I am enough.

The snooze still gets pushed one too many times. I still race through my day even though I’m not a runner. But, I am confident that I am who I have been created to be.

I am enough … and enough is enough.

I am Enough

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