More than a year ago I went to a Painting with a Twist party and discovered my artistic side. I kept meaning to go back and just never seemed to have the chance. That is, until last weekend and it was even more fun than the first time!
This trip was a Paint Your Pet party and instead of each person painting the same thing, we each submitted a picture of our pet ahead of time and painted a sketched version of the picture. Of course we have four pets so at first it was hard to decide which pet to paint. They are like our kids so it’s important to have pictures of them around.
We settled on Flower because of her incredibly unique coloring and we can’t find pictures or figurines that look like her. We’ve found several that look like Jazzy, Missy and Colby but nothing that looks like Flower. I’m glad we chose Flower because her unique coloring also made her a challenge to paint!
I took cell phone pictures throughout the process to document the fun.

From that picture, one of the artist drew a pencil rendering that I could follow.

And the final piece! I have to admit, I’m kinda proud of this.