When I first started on this journey of exploring the idea of being “enough,” I had no idea where it would take me or how much it would become a part of my life. Although the concept is always present to some degree in my mind, I’ve not kept up with the monthly posts as … Read More
Showing all posts in Enough
Figuring out what it means to be ‘wife enough’

It’s amazing how the words of one person at one time in our lives can make such an impact for our future, both good and/or bad. Oddly enough, I tend to be impacted more by words that had good intentions but were still hurtful or ultimately, abusive. If you’re trying to be mean and I … Read More
Creative enough: Creativity is in the head and heart, not the hands
Creativity involves breaking out of established patterns in order to look at things in a different way. Edward de Bono I used to tell people that I’m not really creative, that I’m not fun. I can write casually, but it’s still pretty fact-based. I have always seen creativity to mean those who write brilliant poetry … Read More
Enough is enough (otherwise known as sane enough)
View image | gettyimages.com A few months ago, I announced that I would be focusing on a single word for an entire year and how that word plays a role in my life. I’ve been kind of (read: really) slack in blogging and doing the projects for my word. It’s not because I haven’t thought … Read More