The idea of an identity crisis is a dramatic, sometimes overused concept in my opinion. That is, until you experience it. When you go through having that shift in your understanding of who you are, what you are and how you are, it does in fact feel like a crisis. I’ve struggled … Read More
Showing all posts in Faith
Guest posting over at Mosaic of Moms about Captivating Heart 2013

I’ve been so busy lately that I failed to share on my blog that I was able to guest post on the site Mosaic of Moms recently! I really appreciate Jennifer letting me share about my journey to understand being enough, the new names God has given me, and about the upcoming Captivating Heart 2013 … Read More
A lonely night in 2007 that birthed a poem
I recently was looking through some old blog posts I’d saved from my MySpace page before shutting it down and discovered a poem I wrote in 2007. I am no longer in this “place” but I know in my heart that many people, many women, are experiencing the same sense of loss, … Read More
Learning lessons about faith, leadership and football at #SWElite7on7

One of the most common questions for an adult to be asked when meeting another adult is “what do you do?,” implying what is the person’s occupation. When someone finds out that I’m a writer, they always ask what I write about. Last weekend, I got asked if I was a sports writer/blogger … Read More