For today’s Simple Joys post, I want to share about fire. Not just any fire, but wood-burning fires. Sure, gas-lit fires in fireplaces are pretty, but they hardly rival the crackle and pop of a real, wood-burning fireplace. The smell of the burning wood both soothes and thrills me. I’ve smelled incense that is supposed to be like a campfire and it just doesn’t cut it.
I also love campfires and it’s not just for the s’mores! They are mesmerizing.
Wood-burning fire is more than just a great experience. Many memories come from times spent around a fire. There was our annual family camp outs to Cheney Lake. Or times spent at my grandma’s house when we would build a roaring fire in the fireplace.
I’m not around fires as much as I used to be and it’s one of the few features we wanted in a home we weren’t able to get. There are times, however, like the Captivating Heart Retreat, where campfires are especially memorable.
What are some of your favorite campfire memories?