Guest posting: Back to School is bittersweet for me this year

Arkansas Women Bloggers

I was honored to be able to guest post over at Arkansas Women Bloggers! The theme over there for September is Back to School and at first I didn’t feel like I had anything to share on the topic because I don’t have kids. It hit me that I’ve had a lot of emotion this year regarding back to school so I decided to share that!

Here’s an excerpt:

Back then it was important to make sure I got a wide assortment of puppy folders and a couple more by Lisa Frank. The glittery folders were more expensive, so we only got a couple of them. But those were the folders to have. Anyone remember Trapper Keepers? Those were cool, too. Although I think I enjoyed the cloth versions more because you could cram a lot more into those zippered binders.


Please go read the full post over on Arkansas Women Bloggers (click the link) and leave a comment there!

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