5 common misconceptions about disability access
5 Common misconceptions regarding disability access

5 common misconceptions about disability access
I should probably start this blog by reassuring anyone reading that this will not include overly private details or graphic descriptions. The first time I was asked about my ability to have and enjoy sex despite my disability I was 12 years old (sixth grade) and it was questions from my Sunday School teacher. I … Read More
Ever since I was a teenager, I remember having peers tell me privately that they appreciated when I raised my hand to ask a clarifying question. Or to challenge something I had heard by asking questions of those in authority. They would tell me they had the same questions but were too scared to speak … Read More
If you claim someone with a disability has inspired you, what were you inspired to do? The very word “inspire” involves the idea that someone is provoked to take action. I and others like me will never be viewed as equal if we continue to be reduced to being a source of warm fuzzies and objectified as life lessons.