I carry the title ‘home manager’

A month or two ago, I saw an ad from someone I follow on Twitter that was seeking a couple of new writers for her online magazine that is about homemaking. I was interested in applying, but something held me back.

I thought, what in the world would I know about homemaking? I’m not a stay-at-home-mom. I don’t even have children, unless you count the kind with fur! I am not a good cook, and I’m an even more lousy housekeeper.  I’m not good at anything I envision a good homemaker being talented at doing, so why did I think I would have anything to contribute to this magazine?

So, I didn’t apply. But it got me thinking. After talking to friends and a lot of soul searching, I now consider myself a ‘home manager.’ After all, I do all  of my own laundry and help my husband with his, do most the cooking, take the initiative on grocery shopping and most the house cleaning, I make most the financial arrangements and other plans. And so what if my kids are furry? My cats’ health and well being must still be managed. While John is better at planning their meals than I am and we work together on their inside/outside schedule, I’m primarily in charge of making sure their health needs are being met.

OK, so how is that not a homemaker? I still have this strange, almost in-awe respect for that title, so I’ve settled on ‘home manager.’ The irony (well really funny at least) thing is, because my husband also shares many of the home-management decisions, that makes him also a home manager!

With all this in mind (you knew there had to be a point coming eventually), I’ve decided to start sharing some of my own home management ideas. I’ve already done this to some degree with the recipes category. I’ve changed that category to “Homemaking” and all the blogs will go in that area. They probably won’t be profound, but I might have a few ideas that people might find valuable!

I’d love your input on topics you’d like to hear about and what you think of what I end up writing!

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