When I first started on this journey of exploring the idea of being “enough,” I had no idea where it would take me or how much it would become a part of my life.
Although the concept is always present to some degree in my mind, I’ve not kept up with the monthly posts as well as I had planned. I’ve been blessed, however, to have this idea shown to me in so many forms that I can only assume it’s a message from God.
I’ve read several blogs recently that I wanted to share-all that deal with the idea of being enough or other messages that involve that topic. I hope you go check these out (the title is the link) and join me on this journey of enough!
When you wonder if you’ll ever measure up
from the (in)courage blog, written by Kristen Welch, We are THAT family
We don’t have to be enough. Because He is. All the time. And even better, through Him–we are enough, just like we are. He makes up for what we lack. He takes our inadequacies and unrighteousness and trades it in for His perfection.
When we can’t, He can. When we don’t, He does. When we don’t measure up, He does.
Why you don’t have to strive for ‘more’
by Holley Gerth
God doesn’t want you to do as much as you can, as quick as you can, however you can. Instead he wants you to specifically, strategically, simply to do what He has put you on earth to do.
Why you’re never inadequate
by Holley Gerth
The reality is none of us are superwomen. Our ideal and our real never quite line up. Even with our best intentions, we fall short. We mess it up. We let people down. And some days we’re doing well just to get up.
But here’s what God is gently showing me. In spite of all that…
We are not inadequate.
We are in Christ.
This last one may not seem like it applies, but it goes with the concept that Satan gives us so many names but in Christ, we have a new name. We are enough.
Your name in Christ
from the (in)courage blog, written by Crystal Brothers
And while Satan might tell you that your name is failure, God calls you something entirely different.
God calls you his child, his heir – what an honor!
God says that you are loved, unconditionally – while we were yet in sin, He loved us!
God calls you fearfully and wonderfully made, and precious in His sight.
I have come across 2 of these posts. Can’t wait to read the others! Thanks for sharing Jamie! <3