This blog is the first I’ve written for myself in several months and it will be the first one my grandmother will never read. “B” as she was affectionately called by her grandchildren and great-grandchildren, died last month at the age of almost 101. I’m pretty sure she’s read all my public blogs over the years.

I spoke at her funeral and one of the things that I shared was how she always supported my writing. For example, in 2012, I did a month-long challenge where I blogged every single day in October. I chose the theme “Simple Joys”. Not things I’m necessarily thankful for, but more the little things that make me smile or brighten my day for even just a moment.
That Christmas, B and my aunt Sharon who helps her with computer stuff presented me with a gift. It was every single blog in that series printed out and bound in a report folder with a cover and everything. It was the first and still only time I’ve seen my name printed on a book.
Memories of that have stuck with me and during a counseling session at the end of June, I realized that I needed to start noticing the little things throughout the days and weeks that make me smile, that are positives in a world that is filled with anxiety, chaos, and struggle.
Celebrating simple joy again
I didn’t announce anything, I didn’t set a specific time goal, and I didn’t try to make it a group activity with friends. But at the beginning of July, I started posting a daily #simplejoy picture. Again, not necessarily “grateful posts”. Just things that made me smile or brightened my day.
We are coming to the end of July and I’ve forgotten a couple of days and wanted to post more than once on other days. It has not fixed everything, but it has helped my mood and overall outlook. I did this just on Instagram and shared to Facebook instead of making blog posts. Here are a few of the posts. Follow on Instagram @SunThruThorns to see more.
What are some of the simple joys in your life? What makes you smile or feel better?
I have enjoyed reading your “SIMPLE JOYS” is month!!
Very honoring tribute to “B”