I had “resolved” to not write a traditional New Years blog this year because quite frankly, I didn’t see the point. And really, there still may not be a point. The truth is that I’m pretty busy right now and was feeling like a self-reflective post during the most obvious time of year wasn’t necessary. … Read More
Showing all posts tagged God
Return of 21 Days of Thankful
We all know that the big day of turkey and football is coming up later this month. But what about what the day is really about (and I don’t mean resting up for Black Friday)? I’m thrilled that the second annual 21 Days of Thankful starts Nov. 3. This is a day where you are … Read More
Never say Never… my 9/11 blog
When I was a baby, doctors said I would never walk. My parents didn’t listen and they found a surgeon who was willing to help us and I did develop the ability to walk. I looked like a drunken, pregnant chimpanzee, but I walked. Throughout my life, I think I’ve taken the word “never” as … Read More
Introducing the spiritual abuse series
We’ve all heard of abuse. Domestic abuse, physical abuse, verbal abuse, mental or emotional abuse. I think most of us “get” what those terms mean or can assume the basics even if we don’t understand the signs, implications and breadth of the abuse. When I started talking about the term “spiritual abuse,” I got a … Read More