In case you haven’t noticed, this space hasn’t been updated much as of late. I still care and I still maintain my social media for this blog, but finding the energy and time to share in this space just hasn’t been there. I thought I’d come and give a quick rundown of the last year!

First, let me address my 2021 Word of the Year, which was “Rely” to go with the theme of Relying on the Rock (God). As I’m sure is true for most of us, I found plenty of times when God was all I could rely on to be consistent and, well, reliable! This goal of looking to Jesus instead of others for my source of comfort, peace, and answers continues into 2022. Will you pray with me that this becomes a consistent attitude in my life?
In many ways, it feels like 2021 was a blur! John is a welder and had overtime from about April 2020 through about July 2021, which means we didn’t see each other much. Always grateful for his hard work and the extra income! He had big breaks in overtime since then, but it’s never completely gone away. In August, he came down with COVID-19 despite being fully vaccinated. I have been exposed several times now but have never been infected, which is a miracle.
My parents also got COVID, which meant we delayed Christmas a week but we still got to see family around new years and spent Christmas Day with my friend and her family. It was a lot of fun!
As I shared in March, we lost Flower to a set of massive health problems. Just six days later, we adopted Fritz and he continues to do well! There was no replacing Flower but Jazzy needed a buddy and, quite frankly, the house was just too quiet with only three pets.
In September, I took out my first business loan through KIVA and am using the money to fund a project manager and marketing costs for my book project. Yes, I’m writing a book! It’s about how having an entrepreneurial spirit helped me deal with many lives challenges (including running a business).
Besides the book, I think the biggest thing I’m most proud of is co-founding a community non-profit called Elkins Community Network, which works to “engage, empower, and enhance” the Elkins-area community.
As 2021 ended and 2022 began, I started new things in my business and prepared for what I hope is an amazing year.