I love being able to give exact change. Yeah, I know that’s a little strange. But when I have enough cash to pay for something without a debit card and I don’t have to put money back in my billfold, it just gives me a little sense of accomplishment. For one, it probably means I used up some pennies!(Photo courtesy of Flickr user adam b)
This post is probably the shortest you’ve ever seen from me! This is my entry for today for the 31 Days of 2012 writing challenge. I chose to write about Simple Joys, which are little things that put a smile on my face. They will all seem trivial, but that’s kind of the point. It’s not about being grateful or taking joy in the big, obvious good things. It’s about finding joy in the simplest of moments. If you think about it, life is built by the simplest of moments and I would hate to let those pass by in pursuit of the “big” moments.